Even before he was sworn in as a city commissioner in 2017, Joe Carollo had already turned a lazer focus on putting Bill Fuller out of business.  

Those of you who are regular readers remember the stories about Carollo dragging city officials and employees on walking tours and entering Fuller's properties illegally in an effort to find violations, followed by the ethics complaint filed after Carollo and his favorite city employee, and AFSCME union member Mary Lugo was caught riding around and staking out parking lots, and then there was the story about how Carollo, along with then acting chairman of the Code Enforcement Board, crazy Frank Pichel, were caught lurking behind Fuller's club Ball in Chain, which resulted in the above photo, and of Carollo's vicious attacks against Fuller during several commission meetings including the one held on February 14, 2018, which eventually resulted in Fuller's filing a lawsuit against Carollo in federal court - which the 11th Court of Appeals in Atlanta has now ruled can go forward.

It now seems however, that in recent months Carollo along with his sock puppet enabler City Attorney Victoria Mendez were busy at work behind the scenes in a new effort to attack Fuller, which came first came to light through a usual misdirection play by Carollo at the October 13th Commission meeting.

The problem is that in order to what and how Carollo did what he did and the actions that took place hours after the ordinance in question was approved that resulted in the following "message" being released by Butt-Boy City Manager Art Noriega on Monday, required a degree of digging, because while these morons somehow continue to keep getting caught, it does take some focused sifting through bullshit to uncover what they're up to - a feat that consistently seems to illude the ability of the local news media who I purposely waited before doing this story in order to see whether Noriega's message below might have been enough to stir any of these lazy fucks out of their stupor.

Copyrighted:  2011,2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

NUMBER 184 - OCTOBER 28, 2020


In all the years that I've been doing what I do, a city manager has never been forced to release such a "message" to try and clean up a skanky piece of business, and to do so by lying in the process.

The plot to shut down Ball and Chain was a cooked up scheme orchestrated by Carollo, and enabled by Victoria Mendez, the City Attorney, Maurice Pons, the head of the Building Department and his fellow commissioners who pretended that they did't know what Carollo was really up to at the October 8th City Commission meeting where the below item was the very last item on the agenda.

Because it was a new ordinance, it should have been included in the list of new ordinances for First Reading, but by burying it at the very end of a long agenda it was the first step in making sure it could hide in plain site, because few people spend the time it takes to read and review All of the items on most city commission agendas.

While it was the last item, it actually was introduced by Carollo during the 7th item that came before the commission that morning. This item was a new ordinance, proposed by Commissioner Russell to deal with the waste and construction runoff into the Bay created by contractors who allegedly try to cut corners and save money by doing so.

Carollo introduced his ordinance by trying to tie it to the 2 houses in the West Grove that had generate so much attention after city officials - actually then Zoning Director Devon Zayas - flagrantly, and without any logical reason other than he sold the city down the river, gave the developer permission to do what he did.

Carollo use of this incident was a clear effort of misdirection, but then, since no one was pay attention, and since his fellow partners in crime were there to run cover for him, the ordinance easily passed unanimously on First Reading.  Here is the video link to that entire discussion.(Click on NA1 - Amending Chapter 1 - Enforcement Of Construction Sites.)

On October 22nd, the ordinance came up for a 2nd Reading, and was the last item heard before the lunch break. This time, Carollo's pal Alex Diaz de la Portilla did the honors of moving the motion, and Commissioner "Sellout" Russell, in one of his obvious moves intended to suck ass, seconded the motion. It passed without comment. Here is the link to that discussion. (Click on SR 4 Amending Chapter 2/Article IV/Division 2)

Approximately an hour after passage of this ordinance, employees of the City of Miami Building Department showed up at Ball and Chain and served the following letter to Bill Fuller, shutting his establishment down.

No one shows up at a business with an order to shut them down an hour after the ordinance is passed if there hadn't been a well orchestrated plan in place just waiting for the commission's vote.

This ordinance, beside being a bullet crafted specifically for Bill Fuller also raises very serious concerns for every other business in Miami, who as a result of this ordinance could become the subject of this kind of vindictive and business destroying activity by the thugs who currently sit on the city commission and their hand-picked Butt-Boy City Manager, who can be continued to lie, cheat, and generally fuck over the residents of Miami on behalf of his masters.

You can bet that this fight is far from over, and you can also bet, if there was a place to lay some money down, that this bullshit attack orchestrated by Carollo, and sanctioned and supported by Noriega, Mendez, Pons and the other thugs on the city's payroll is going to come around and bite then in the ass in ways that they are not ever aware of yet.

The will be well deserved, but in the process, the taxpayers of Miami will probably find themselves on the hook for a couple million dollars.

It's Miami, Bitches!


NUMBER 185 - OCTOBER 29, 2020

After I posted my story yesterday about the way in which Ball and Chain was summarily shut down last week, I got a call from Zack Bush, one of the co-owners of Ball and Chain who informed me that prior to last week's commission meeting he had submitted a video comment for the public comments section of the meeting, and I guess to no one's surprise, the video was not played during public comments.

Bush told me that when he realized what had happened, and had his lawyer contact the city attorney, and after the usual hemming and hawing, she agreed to make sure that the video was aired.

It was, after the commission came back from lunch, and after city officials had showed up at the door of Ball and Chain to shut them down.

Some might see this as an egregious example of attempting to attempting to keep the public in the dark about what the commissioners were going to do, but I see it just as another Thursday.

Here is the video. His first comments deal with the ordinance that Carollo introduced last week to bar music in public places after 8PM. His second comments are about the ordinance that I wrote about below.